Business Outsourcing Services


Transaction and Form Processing

Companies spend countless hours of valuable time shuffling paper and processing transactions.  Blue Sky Media can process your transactions from start to finish. This enables you to focus your resources on your core competencies, while benefiting from our expertise in offshore transaction and form processing.

Here are a few examples of forms we can process for you:


=       Health insurance applications

=       Loan applications

=       Credit card applications

=       Rebate forms

=       Insurance claim forms

=       Customer surveys

=       Health claim forms

=       Legal forms

=       Tax forms

=       Subscription forms

=       Census forms

=       Voter registration records

=       Product registration cards

=       Business reply cards

=      Customer lists

=       Warranty registration forms

=      Contest entries

=       Customer loyalty program forms

=      Invoices

=       Property appraisal forms

=      Trade confirmations

=       Market research surveys

=      Accounts payable

=       Purchase, sale and billing records

=      Shipping documents

=       Accounts receivable

=      Student applications and records

=       Other forms


Virtual Employees

Business offshore outsourcing is a growing trend.  Companies are outsourcing their employees, from one individual to entire business units.

Save Money.  You can achieve huge savings through outsourcing. Depending on the nature of the engagement, billing is simply based on the team members you hire. We take care of everything else. We find, interview, hire, manage and review the right employees. There are no extra charges for business overhead such as rent and utilities. You save both money and time.

Maintain Communication. Internet technology such as VOIP, email and web conferencing makes it possible to hire virtual employees while maintaining great communication and full accountability.

Accountability.  You can maintain direct management over your virtual employees, or you can depend on our experienced site managers in Manila.

Flexibility.  Whether you are looking to outsource just one dedicated position or an entire team, Blue Sky Media can help. Our supervisors in Manila have experience in building large teams from start to finish. We are able to grow teams quickly and seamlessly.

Here are a few examples of virtual employee services:

=       Data processing

=       Internet research

=       Website modification

=       Publishing

=       Summarizing data

=       Summarizing articles

=       Transaction / form processing

=       Data entry

=       Transcription

=       Document coding / indexing

=       Form processing

=       Routine tasks


Other Business Support Services

Are you looking to save money, time and hassles by outsourcing a project, a function or a position?  Let us know how we can help.